Meaning of 3rd Lord in 8th House for All Ascendants
In general, the 3rd Lord in the 8th House for All Ascendants means secrecy while communicating with others. While the third lord deals with your communication skills with family and close friends, the 8th house is responsible for secret dealings. Therefore, when the third lord enters the 8th house, it can result in you having private talks with people close to you about something you are passionate about, including discussions about other people, their deepest intentions, and the deeper meaning behind what they say. The 8th house also deals with business and death. As a result, you might be engaging in underground business dealings relating to other people’s money or could even be putting your energy into making death a potential business venture. For example, being part of a funeral home.
Aries Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Mercury in the 8th house for Aries Ascendant means you might be someone who is deeply invested in the occult or conspiracies of the world. Therefore, you might be related to a field of work that deals with finding answers to dark conspiracy theories and letting people know your thoughts on these theories through writing or public speaking platforms. You may become part of the journalism industry to find answers to your questions relating to these hidden secrets. Other than that, you might also be someone who is part of a business in which you deal with death daily. For example, a morgue or funeral home. You could be educating yourself and others about the concept of death and making it a part of your career.
Taurus Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Moon in the 8th house for Taurus Ascendant means you might be a person who is always having deep and dark thoughts, particularly about death. As a result, your mind is always full of deep and dark emotions. The dark emotions you might be dealing with could put you in a state of depression that can become hard for you to handle and hard to get rid of. On the other hand, the moon in the 8th house also represents a karmic relationship with your mother. There might be secrets in your family that you are not aware of. Your mother might be hiding secrets from you that might be the reason behind the turbulence in your relationship. Therefore, you might not be having a healthy relationship with your mother.
Gemini Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Sun in the 8th house for Gemini Ascendant means you might take on a very secretive personality and might have secrecy in your relations with family members, particularly your siblings. As a result of your secretive personality, you might not have healthy relations with your brothers or sisters. Therefore, you might be uncomfortable with telling people who your siblings are and what they do and might be keeping your relationship with them secret. However, when the Sun enters the 8th house, it also means, you could also be a secretive member of the government that people are not aware of. Everything you do career-wise will be hidden from the people around you. Perhaps you could be part of an intelligence agency such as the FBI.
Cancer Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Mercury in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant means that you will use your knowledge and interest in the world’s hidden secrets to educate those around you. As a result of your attentiveness towards conspiracy theories and secrets, you might be invested in finding answers to the dark, hidden side of this world. You might also not shy away from letting people know about your viewpoint on these topics. Other than that, you could also be informing people about death. When Mercury enters the 8th house, it also means you could be someone who has a lot of knowledge about death and will be sharing your learning with people around you. Perhaps you could be in a field or business that relates to death, such as a mortician or a funeral arranger. This is why your knowledge on the subject of death can be so vast.
Leo Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Venus in the 8th house for Leo Ascendant means you might be very expressive while putting forward your artistic talents. You might use the harsh phases of your life as a medium to express your dark thoughts. As a result of your dark and expressive personality, be it through acting or painting, it will allow you to showcase a lot of dark meaning and depth in your work. On the other hand, Venus entering the 8th house also means you will have a union with your spouse or love affair in secrecy. You might have secretly met your wife without others finding out about your relationship. Therefore, you might be hiding your wife from others. You will not reveal to others what your relationship with your wife is like. Your wife might be the controlling figure in your relationship, and everything you do might be subject to her approval. Or you might be having a secret love affair that your wife does not know about.
Virgo Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Mars in the 8th house for Virgo Ascendant means you might be in a field in which you use your skills and strength to work manually. You might be in a field that requires manual labor. You could perhaps be in the construction field or even be a surgeon. As a result, you could either be using your skills for construction purposes or to save the lives of others. Other individuals’ lives might depend on your skills and strong willpower to help them and save their lives. Consequently, your ability to help others could allow you to heal someone in need. You could act as their healer and save their lives.
Libra Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Jupiter in the 8th house for Libra Ascendant means a journey of a moral-less individual to spirituality and a higher self. You might be in a situation where it will be hard for you to follow the rules of life. You may have forgotten all your morals about how to treat people with respect as a result of this behavior. During this time in your life, a teacher or guru will come along who will act as your saviour by helping you to learn the best possible ways to live your life. He will help you expand your learning ability and reach a level of spirituality that you will want to share with the world around you.
Scorpio Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Saturn in the 8th house for Scorpio Ascendant means you might be dealing with longevity in your daily life, particularly the longevity of other people. You could also be a person with a strong work ethic and could be part of a job that allows you to use your skills on hand for others. For example, a surgeon or even a worker at a funeral home. Other than that, when Saturn enters the 8th house, it also means that you could be in a government-related field. You might be working to ensure that the proper functioning of the government system is taking place and that the flow of money is running in an orderly manner.
Sagittarius Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Saturn in the 8th house for Sagittarius Ascendant means you might be a disciplined and hardworking individual. As a result, you will be using your hard work ethic in your daily job. You could either be part of a business related to manual work, such as construction, or be in the government administration sector. If you are part of a government-related field, you will be monitoring and administering the proper functioning of the government, including the maintenance of the cash flow situation within the government.
Capricorn Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Jupiter in the 8th house for Capricorn Ascendant means you will be having a hard time following the morals and laws of life. You will let go of your ability to accept and respect others. However, a time will come in your life when someone will act as your saviour and will guide you and help you get through this phase of your life. As a result of his teachings and guidance, you will be able to educate yourself on the morals of life that you had forgotten and expand your knowledge to reach a higher level of spirituality and communication.
Aquarius Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Mars in the 8th house for Aquarius Ascendant meansyou could be someone involved in a field relating to manual labor. Therefore, you could be in a field of work using the skills at hand. Perhaps you could be a doctor or surgeon. You could be using your willpower and strength to save someone’s life. As a result of your skills and abilities, you will be able to help others around you recover and regain life. You could be known as a healer and saviour to others for having the strength to ease someone’s pain. Other than that, you could also be part of another field that opts for the use of manual labor, such as a construction worker or an engineer. Your expertise and skill in working manually will allow you to build something of great significance.
Pisces Ascendant – 3rd Lord In 8th House
The 3rd Lord Venus in the 8th house for Pisces Ascendant means you could be having a union in secrecy. It could be your wife or even a secret love affair that no one knows about. In this relationship, you might not be open about your relationship with your partner. However, your partner; would be letting people know that you are together. On the other hand, when Venus enters the 8th house, it also means you might be a very artistic person. You might be using the dark times of your life to showcase your artistic abilities. As a result, all your work will have dark, hidden meanings behind it. You might be using all the dark periods of your life as a way of expressing the chaotic thoughts in your mind.
3rd Lord In Different Houses
| 3rd lord in 1st house | 3rd lord in 2nd house | 3rd lord in 3rd house | 3rd lord in 4th house |
3rd lord in 5th house | 3rd lord in 6th house | 3rd lord in 7th house | 3rd lord in 8th house
3rd lord in 9th house | 3rd lord in 10th house | 3rd lord in 11th house | 3rd lord in 12th house |